A regular flight school like ATP or a 4 year degree with a flight program?

Would you be better off in a flight school like ATP or a 4 year university like Auburn with a flight program?


There are pros and cons to each. Personally I’ve never been a fan of aviation degrees. They’re ridiculously expensive, the airlines neither desire or require an aviation degree and finally they offer no backup skills aviation not work out do to choice or circumstance.

I suggest you browse the forum. This is actually a very common question and you’re sure to find some good threads on the subject.


I’d recommend giving this thread from a few days ago a browse - will probably give you plenty of insight!

Unsure on my Path


Everyone’s path and scenario is different; however, we recommend college for and acquiring a degree in the field that you would enjoy doing if something in aviation fell through (as a backup plan). After college then attending an accelerated program like ATP. As Adam and Steve mentioned, there’s plentiful of threads throughout the forum that discuss about college versus flight schools.
