Commercial Tips?

Yesterday was quite the day as I finished the Instrument phase with a shiny new rating in hand! Despite the rocky start, I can say its finally done! Now that I am finished with instrument, I start commercial tomorrow (I was credit for private, so I elected to skip crew) and haven’t the slightest idea how to prepare for the CAX exam? From what I was told, there’s no King school for the exam?

Any tips and tricks would be appreciative!



Its my understanding you should have access to Sheppard Air’s Flight Test 5 app. The prep for the CAX (and the other required exams) should be there.


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Sheppard Air is the way to go for the CAX. Screenshot your practice tests and prove to your IP that you deserve the endorsement to take the AKT.



Are the FIA, CAX, and AGI all the same test bank? Or should I purchase all three test preps? I know the AGI isn’t an ATP requirement, it’s just more of a personal desire to have in conjunction with my IGI I already have.



The FIA and the AGI are the most common. The CAX is a similar but much larger test bank. I recommend getting that one and the FIA to prepare for those three exams.


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Sheppard Air only allows 1-device activation and 1 test bank at a time. Study for the CAX first, then take the advice that Hannah recommended.


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Congratulations on obtaining your instrument license! I have always felt that was one of the harder check rides, I am sure it is a relief to have it behind you.Thank you for the update.


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Instrument definitely had me on my toes! I came in credit for private after obtaining my PPL 10 years ago. The learning curve was steep so I was quite nervous haha! I’m hoping it gets easier from here :grimacing::grimacing:

Thanks! Got CAX today :grin:


I personally think it gets easier from here, although CFI is the culmination of everything you should know, so it can be a bear.


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Not entirely looking forward to the academy haha


It’s a tough phase. It will require a huge amount of time and effort in the books and chair flying. You can begin making lesson plans whenever you have time. Going in with a good bit of them done will help keep your work load down. Create study groups and practice teaching with those in your class. It will go by quickly and will be one of the most rewarding certificates.
