

Just wondering how common it is for pilots to commute on a redeye and begin work in the morning. For example, west coast to east coast commutes. Do pilots do this on a regular basis, and if so, how acceptable is it?

I have heard of crazy commutes, coast to coast, island to mainland, etc. You can commute from across the globe if you like, but you’re sure going to spend a lot of your own time commuting back and forth and sweating over the loads. The only rules about commuting is you MUST make it to work on time and you must be FIT TO FLY, it’s up to you how to make that happen.

With that being said, we highly recommend you not do this. Commuting alone no matter how far is an extra challenge. Add in multiple time changes and long flights, you will burn yourself out quickly. Plus, the night sleep on a redeye is not solid rest. You would be fatigued before you even step in the flight deck. We recommend you consider airlines with bases closer to where you live or consider moving to one of their bases. I short commute temporarily is one thing but a coast to coast one is a whole separate matter.



One aspect of the job many people don’t realize is for the most part, airline pilots are unsupervised. As long as the flight takes off and lands where it’s supposed to in a timely manner, no metal gets bent and no passengers get sick, scared or go crazy, you could go years without ever seeing or talking to the chief pilot. No one is going to check and see if you’ve gotten sufficient rest or even shaved or put on your uniform. We’re professionals and are treated as such. The expectation is that you’re a responsible individual and are not going to put the lives of hundreds of people in jeopardy by doing something stupid like drinking alcohol or not getting sufficient rest. So people do it? I’m sure they do but it doesn’t make it right or safe and whether it’s one person or one hundred doesn’t make it acceptable.


Thank you!


This is not common at all and to be honest, I would have a big problem if the pilot I was flying with had done this. It is a pilot’s responsibility to show up for work well rested and mentally fit for work. There is no way one can do this after having ridden on a red eye, in coach, for five hours. Do yourself a favor and move to wherever you are based.
