Ipad Storage (64GB or 254BG?)

So I’m starting in a month at the ORL location and starting to purchase my equipment. In regards to Ipad’s (i’ve decided to get a mini), what storage is recommended for new students. I keep reading conflicting info on whats best (64GB or 256GB) but does it really matter? When I download ForeFlight, is it better to have the 256 due to the downloads of airports maps, etc?



I’m old and did all my training using paper. With that said I have had this conversation with Brady (our resident youngling tech guy) and he’s told me the 64 is adequate but as you fly to more and more airports you will have to delete some to make room for others. If you can afford the 256 that’s the way to go but the 64 will work.


I would absolutely get the 256. These programs never get smaller, they only grow in size. I would speculate that the 256 unit will last longer than the smaller one.



Here’s the link to the foreflight support page that describes the estimated storage space for each database. Just for the basics in the U.S you’re already close to 25 gb of storage. That doesn’t account for any other apps you plan to download on your EFB or study materials.




According to my iPad Mini, I have 56GB downloaded worth of material. That is pretty much all of ForeFlight and Jeppesen data for NA, with some extra imports of outside documents.


Everytime they update these apps they get bigger. I would definitely get the 254 version.


September 12 @ 10AM PDT, Apple will be releasing their newest line of products for iPhone and iPad. I’d wait to see if they come out with a newer iPad and get the most up-to-date product that will contain processing power and memory.



Or it means that the current 256gb version is about to get discounted!

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Wrote the words right out of my mouth! haha

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Yes and no. :slight_smile:

As these programs continue their updates, sometimes old chipset and processors become less idea, applications as they update require more power. However, let’s see what Apple fully releases tomorrow.


I haven’t really had that problem, even though I’m always a couple of generations behind the new tech. Apple is pretty good about not outdating their own hardware for at least 10-15 years, with the exception of memory and storage, since those technologies move too fast to keep up with. I have a 15-year-old Macbook that’s still going, but not strong. I always buy a phone that’s 2 generations behind, and I’ve never had a problem with it.


I have had four iPads for work and I can tell you that after two years, they have all become slow. Programs like Jepp FD Pro use an incredible amount of storage and processor capability. There are places to save money, this is not one of them.



Thanks Chris! I’ve never owned an iPad, so that’s good to know!


I can vouch like Chris, unfortunately Apple did not release a new iPad today (I’m sad about that, I love my Mini). Apple has also had numerous lawsuits (similar to other competitors) regarding slowing devices with updates almost forcing consumers to purchase newer devices. I believe those lawsuits have drastically slowed things down, but as apps updates, technology updates and requires stronger and more power.


Brady, I’m sad that you’re sad about that. Get a life bud!!!


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Go easy on him. I am still mourning my Blackberry.


The Buddha says we should have no physical attachments, that includes electronic devices!


Hey Brady,

I’m just speaking to my experience with Apple computers and phones vs. other brands I’ve tried. Apple hardware is absolutely top-shelf in my opinion and lasts for a very long time, compared to other brands. But I’ve never owned a tablet either, so I have no idea how well they hold up. But I’ve never owned any other brand that’s held up as long as my Apple products, and that’s why I stick with them and am not afraid of their older hardware.


I added the cost of the ipad to my flight school loan as an investment in my future. Then used the money to get the top notch ipad, the iPad Pro with cellular and 256gb of storage. I don’t regret it.


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