Leaving high school after sophomore year

Their is a test called the CHSPE which would allow me to leave high school after sophomore year if I pass it. It’s equivalent to a high school diploma. If I would to pass that test go to a community college for 2 years and then go to a university for 2 years to get my bachelors, I would be 20 by the time I finish all that. I would then go do everything I need to do at a flight school. Would their be any problems considering the airlines giving me job due to the fact I left high school early?


“Equivalent” to a HS diploma is not a HS diploma (from the website The Certificate of Proficiency, however, is not equivalent to completing all course work required for regular graduation from high school). This is also a California specific program and may not be recognized by other states, colleges or universities. If I were on your interview panel (if you make it that far) I’d want to know why at 16 you were in such a hurry, why you didn’t believe you needed a diploma and were willing to short circuit your education AND your social development? (It’s not just about a diploma). In short I would be concerned. The single most important quality of a good pilot is good decision making skills so I’d want to understand your thought process and why you believed that was a good decision vs simply wanting to get out of school early.


I’d get to the airlines faster (younger age)

What if I pass the exam and then take a GED?

I thought you had to be 23 for your atp?


I just realized if you’re a sophomore you’re probably below the min age of 16 for this forum. I will say these are decisions that will affect your future and should be discussed with your parents. I would never advise anyone to not finish high school but again this is a decision for you and your parents. I also recommend you look at our FAQ and you see if you’re interested in getting to the airlines fast there are other routes. You also don’t have much of a contingency if for some reason you can’t fly (medical or other).



It’s 23 for a full ATP but you can work for an airline with an R-ATP at 21.


Could you please link me the faq with the fastest routes to getting to reigonals I couldn’t find it

Ahh my bad. Thanks for the clarification.