Looking to start with ATP

What percentage of ATP graduates get hired after graduation?

Can ATP really produce a competent airline pilot in just over 2 years?

Do airline Pilot’s have to keep up their licenses throughout their career with additional training?

How is the career of a pilot? The good and the bad… would you do it again if you had to restart?

What type of person should become a pilot?


Welcome to the forums!

ATP does not have numbers on what percentage of graduates get hired as they really have no way of tracking people once they have left the nest. I can tell you though that in today’s hiring environment, just about anybody with a good record and 1,500 flight hours is getting hired by the airlines.

Yes, ATP can produce a competent pilot in nine months of training and the rest of the two years flight instructing. They have been doing this for decades and have trained many thousands of airline pilots.

Yes, airline pilots are constantly training. Check out this post that I wrote: Airline Training

The career of a pilot various widely and often is what one makes of it. The good is fair pay, good benefits, a respectable job and a fun job. The bad can be uncertainty in the industry, a lot of time on the road and questionable airplane food. That being said, I can’t imagine doing anything else for a living.

There is no “airline pilot type”. Pilots come from all sorts of diverse backgrounds and have varying interests. To speak very globally, pilots generally pay very close attention to detail and like to see a job done right.

Check out the FAQ section and spend some time reading the “Flying the Line” section, I think you will find a lot of good information in both of those.




That was a very helpful comprehensive answer, thank you very much.



As Chris said, many ATP grads fly off into the sunset and ATP only knows what happens if the tell ATP.

ATP has been in business over 30 years, has the largest training fleet of any flight school in the country, currently has 37 locations and has placed over 600 pilots at the airlines in the last 12 months alone. I think that should answer you question.

It varies from airline to airline but most pilots have yearly recurrent training.

Greatest job I’ve ever had (and I’ve had a few). Only thing I’d change is I would’ve started sooner.

Someone who has a love of flying. People do this for a number of reasons but if at the core you have an affection for the job minor hiccups remain minor.


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Thank you, Adam. These responses have been very helpful.