Night/Day flight time


What are the requirements at the airlines for flight time during the night/day? Assume there are requirements per month that pilots must reach so that some pilots aren’t just flying during either the day/night?



There are no day/night requirements at the airlines. We are trained to operate 24/7 and do so.


Is it typical for a monthly schedule for a junior (or senior) person to include a random mix of day and night flights, which could make it difficult for the pilot to adjust to an optimal sleeping schedule? Or, do those doing the scheduling attempt to group night flights together, so a person with night flights can adjust to sleeping during the day and feel less tired at night?


The FAA has duty/rest rules that attempt to address the issue you’re asking about. That said the rules are pretty broad and don’t really solve all the problems and schedulers are only required to follow the rules (ie, if it’s legal it’s ok). Many pilots consider themselves either morning or evening people and will attempt to bid trips that keep them in their happy place. In many cases it’s up to the pilots themselves to report any trips or situations they feel are unsafe or fatiguing. My airline recently built some new pairings and a number of pilots filed fatigue reports which the union used to get the pairings changed. It can be a real concern.


Thanks Adam! Would you be able to give an example of a schedule that could be fatiguing but is legal, and also an example of one that is not legal, to give a clearer picture?


As I said the FAA sets the boundaries. There are many examples out there but the best way to get an idea is to look at the Part 117 chart. If a trip conforms to the rules it’s legal, if it doesn’t its not.
Looking at the above if say you’re scheduled for 6 segments, start at 5am and are supposed to be on duty for more than 11hrs, that’s illegal. Also if a trip doesn’t give you the required rest based on the duty time that would be as well. That chart is also based on you being “acclimated”. Once you start messing with times zones things get much worse.




I would love to tell you that the flights are all grouped together, one way or another, but there really can be a good mix of both day and night flying during a trip. I always find it almost impossible to sleep before red eye flights, but I have learned to power through those.
