Is ATP switching something over to Part 141? Has anyone heard anything about if it’s only certain parts of the program? I was confused because I was certain the program is Part 61, but I saw some indications through the website where only Part 141 is mentioned and Part 61 isn’t mentioned anywhere anymore. Heard some rumors around my TC as well, so just curious what may be changing with the program, or if maybe I’m just feeding into a rumor.
Unfortunately, nothing very solid. I asked my instructor if I should begin the Instrument Elevates in my free time, but he told me to hold off because from what he heard (and from talking with the lead) the Instrument stage is looking to go Part 141 sometime in September, in which case there won’t be Instrument Elevates and there’s going to be in-person classes only. He mentioned something about it making checkride dates easier to acquire sooner? Something along those lines. I guess it could be TC specific, but that wouldn’t make sense because ATP is all about uniformity.
Nothing from the website explicitly states that ATP is 141 or 61, currently. But there is this one area where it states that flight training is done in excess of FAA Part 141 minimums and I guess I just wonder why it wouldn’t say in excess of Part 61 minimums… but this could honestly be grasping at strings. The most “official” things I’ve heard are from instructors at my TC.
The website that’s that because part 141 minimums are ridiculously low and very few people are able to complete their ratings in the minimum amount of time that part 141 specifies.
I have heard this rumor of switching some parts of the program to part 141, but so far it is just a rumor. I would follow your instructor’s recommendations on this.