Question about Getting Flights Picked up

When you are at an airline (regional/major), how easy is it to get your trip picked up? Say you are scheduled to fly on a day that you have a wedding/event/some where you need to be, are you able to put your trip up and someone will take it? If so, how likely, in your experience, are you to get them picked up?


Yes, no, maybe? Very hard to say. Is it a good trip? Is it on a weekend or holiday? Do you have friends that’ll help you out or are you a jerk? Is there enough coverage to just drop the trip? Is the company offering premium pay for other trips the same day? The list goes on and on…


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Hard to say. If you know you have an important event it’s on you to bid around it. You have the option of bidding for a line or reserve, whichever you think will maximize your odds of getting the day(s) off. If you aren’t awarded the day(s) off you still have the chance to drop or swap the trip. The chances of that are impossible to measure, as Adam has explained.


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It is very unlikely to ever have a trip picked up. I have only had it happen once or twice, but then I generally do not try to get rid of my trips either.

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