I am currently a senior in highschool and am an aspiring pilot. I currently can’t pay for a ppl because I’m saving for other things that are more important in my opinion. Any suggestions of what I can start on or any tips? Anything at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
First and foremost the most important thing you can do right now is do well in HS and then continue on to college and do well there. At some point people got the idea you can have a successful pilot career without a degree. The reality is the airlines still all prefer pilots with degrees and not having one can severely impact your career.
I have to say I find it interesting you feel there are “other things that are more important”. It’s your life and no one can tell you what your priorities should be. BUT, I don’t know if you’ve done your research but flight training is expensive, REALLY expensive AND it requires a tremendous amount of dedication to be successful. If there are other things you feel are more important to you that’s fine but at some point, IF you really want to be an airline pilot, it will need to become your top priority.
I have done my research. I do know that airline pilot training(pilot training in general) is extremely expensive. But after I complete my other commitments pilot training will become my top priority.
Fair enough! Just keep in mind that seniority is critically important. For your own financial planning, I would shoot to have the financial backing to start flight training at the completion of your bachelors degree.
I think holding off on any flight training right now is a good idea, finish high school strong then attending college and doing well! Focusing on the good grades will go a long way and waiting until after primary and secondary education, you will probably see better results. Flight training should be done on a consistent schedule with proficiency at every flight event, so focusing on school then flight training individually is good.
I would almost try and find a high yield savings account and start setting money aside when you can, to slowly build up as an emergency fund and/or use while training. Credit lenders want to ensure they get paid, if you can start to build good credit now, you’ll be thankful in the long run. However, having a good credit score now won’t subsided the fact you may need a cosigner when it comes time to applying for the loan, credit lenders go off of many factors. If you want to start building credit, I’m a fan of the credit card and buying a stick of gum once and a while, not using the credit card, to start building credit. That was honestly one of my shortest tips to individuals when they came to me when I worked at the bank asking, “how do I start building good credit.” Obviously, there’s more entitled to that, but it’s a start.