Taking the plunge

Well looks like it’s official. Ill be starting at the ISP location in late July from zero. Looking forward to working hard and taking as many writtens as possible! Ill definitely post status updates throughout my time in the program :slight_smile:


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Congrats and kudos Matty!

Major and critical first step towards your future career in aviation. Work hard and you’ll excel.

Keep us posted and as always feel free to ask any and all.


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Congrats! It’s a very exciting time! Yes, first priority is getting king school modules complete and take your PAR. Please do keep us updated!


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Congratulations and thank you for posting this! I look forward to hearing about your journey through the program and please feel free to ask any questions that you might have.


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Happy to hear, Matty! Should be plenty of time for you to knock out a few writtens.
