April I decided to maximize my seniority and bid reserve so that I could get 10 days off for a trip I had planned. It worked! I got all the time off I needed and had a slower month on reserve, mostly working short calls and picking up trips if they looked good.
1: OFF
2: SHORT CALL 1400-0400
3: SHORT CALL -0400
5: SAN
7: SHORT CALL 0900-1400
8: OFF
9: OFF
10: OFF
11: OFF
12: OFF
13: OFF
14: OFF
15: OFF
16: OFF
17: OFF
18: SHORT CALL 1700-0700
19: SHORT CALL -0700
20: SHORT CALL 1400-0400
21:SHORT CALL -0400
22: LSR
23: OFF
24: OFF
25: SHORT CALL 1700-0700
29: LSR
30: SHORT CALL 0900-2300
Hi Hannah, for the days listed as “short calls” - did you end up flying any of those days? Or were you on standby on those days but didn’t fly? Also, any reason you chose to bid “short call” vs. a “longer call” option?
Bidding reserve you are automatically on long call status 24 hours a day from the start of your availability days. The company can convert you to short call up to 6 times in a month before you start getting extra add pay for the conversions. From there, most of the short calls I wasn’t used. If they still remain “S# or C#” schedule codes that means I don’t get a trip. The trip on the fourth I picked up in open time. The trip on the 26th I was assigned from short call.