Weekly hours for atp students

Thanks for the insight Adam!


The speed at which you can complete each phase of the program also depends on how many students your instructor has at one time.


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If you don’t have savings to rely on you can request to borrow more money when applying for your loan.


I don’t think it’s possible to complete PPL in a month. That being said my friend completed her INstrument in 5 weeks so that is do able in almost a month. It took me 2 months to do PPL and 2 for instrument and to be honest, idk if I’d have wanted to move any faster.

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I would plan on the program taking the full nine months. Even the best students encounter weather delays, examiner delays, etc. It is not a race to finish the program, it is important to learn as much as possible while in it and to become the best pilot you can be. Take your time, do it right.


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I am starting ATP in Georgetown this Monday. I spent 2 years looking for a flight school before I chose ATP. I chose ATP because of they were the best school in my area. Also talked to several former students and they say the caliber of students ATP puts out is known in the industry.
Yes ATP might be more expensive, but I would rather invest well in my career and know that I got the best education.

Hope this helps.