Dream job : nightmare acheiving....where to start?

I have no idea where to start when it comes to which school and what I’ll do income wise while in training.

We are a 2 income household with a 2 year old and I’m wanting to make a huge career change but can’t quit my job to achieve that.
I work a 7:30-3:30 job and obviously seeing these threads, working is a no go so what do you do to help support a family?

My last question - Is there anything other than the fast track or is that my only option?


Welcome to the forum.

To support your family during training, people either save up money, or take out extra money one their loan. This money is paid out as a monthly stipend of up to $2,000 per month. Call and speak to the admissions department to learn more on this.

With ATP, the Fast Track program is the only option. Other flight schools will let you train at whatever pace suits you, but beware that there is a reason that ATP does not allow this. The best flight training builds upon consistent flying, that is why the airlines, military and ATP all train that way. Only flying a few times per week leads to having to relearn already taught content.
