Pilot Travel Benefits


Nine people is going to make it rather hard, but not impossible. Back in March I flew standby to LAX and back with my family of six, we got on the flights I intended to. Now come Christmas time or summer, that is not happening.


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I’m going to disagree with Chris on this one. I literally can’t imagine attempting to pass travel with 9 people. One is stressful enough and every body you add increases the stress dramatically. Most I ever had to do was 5 and it took years off my life. Never tried it again.


Noted, sounds like something i might try once when I’m feeling particularly ambitious and see how it turns out. Thanks for the responses!


The time of year and the days of the week can make a big impact on your success. If you’re trying to go to Hawaii on a Friday in late May you’re probably going to be disappointed. But if it’s a random destination in the middle of the week in the fall or spring while school is in session, you might have a chance if the flight is wide open!
