Welcome to the forum, let’s get to your questions. As you are already in your third year of college, Would strongly recommend finishing college, then going to flight training. While you might think that you could do both, the reality is that both college and flight training occupy a significant amount of your time and you need to be able to focus on both. I got my private license while I was in college, it was too much. My grades suffered as a result and I ended up graduating with a lower GPA than I would have liked to.
As for flight schools, there are literally thousands of flight schools out there. If you look at the top, left of this webpage, you will see that this forum is sponsored by ATP. All of the mentors on here are successful ATP graduates who have gone onto becoming airline pilots. ATP offers accelerated flight training and is the largest flight school in the country. I chose ATP because I had a cousin who had gone through the program and was a successful airline pilot. However, we do realize that no one flight school is the perfect fit for all people. Check out this list of questions that I put together to help you determine which school would be best for you:
Before going too far down this path, I must ask, do y ou have any flight experience? Doing an introductory flight is the first step into seeing if this career is right for you.