1500 hours at overseas

Based on my research, It seems that I can complete 1500 hours overseas. Instead of flying cessna as an instructor, i can fly jets. Does this sound good to you? Am I missing anything?

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I’d keep doing your research. I don’t know any foreign companies hiring brand newly licensed low-time pilots but if you can then sure.



I am really not familiar with the requirements to get a flying job overseas. But yes, flying time in other countries will count towards your 1,500 hours. I would research this further before committing to this path.


Thank you for your response. What are the other ways to building time other than being an instructor?


Based on the research that you claim to have done, it sounds like you need to do more. Most pilots don’t fly jets overseas without thousands of flight experience, and most foreign outfits require their pilots to be citizens of that country.

As far as non-CFI flying jobs available in the US, I’d start with a Google search and see what comes back. Some examples are banner towing, flight tours, pipeline patrol, traffic watch…as you build more experience you can work your way up to other kinds of flying like regional cargo, corporate, charter, etc.

I have to ask though, why are you dismissing the idea of being an instructor?


Thank you. Instructing is still an option for me. I am an educator and teaching is in my blood:). However; earning experience in a jet as a co-pilot sounds better.

Fair enough. I hope you consider it. It is an invaluable experience and the aviation community would be thankful for your teaching experience. If your heart is set on jets I respect your preferences.



With all due respect, as with many things you need to walk before you can run. There are few better ways to hone your skills and become a good PILOT than flight instructing. While sitting right seat slinging gear in a Jet may “sound better”, again the goal is to become a good pilot. China is one country that’s experiencing the greatest pilot shortage. A huge part of the their problem is they don’t allow FOs (ie, co-pilots) to fly unless they’re flying with a check pilot. Since they can’t it’s impossible for the FOs to build the time at the controls required for upgrade which is why China is heavily recruiting US Capts. They’re FOs are sitting in REALLY nice Jets wearing really nice uniforms but they gain nothing.




I was thinking the same. I wonder how your plans came out. Did you go CFI route or overseas?