34year old Cop


Awesome news, congratulations! And thank you for updating us along the way, it has been great to follow your journey…

So what is next for you?


Thanks everyone! I’ve been flight instructing at 47N and really enjoying the time since I’ve been here. I started instructing in April and just about to cross 400hrs total time with just about 100 dual given.

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That is quite an accomplishment! Congratulations! You’re well set up for a rewarding career. Glad to hear you’ve found some instructing at a local field. Do you plan to accept an Indoc slot with ATP?



Honestly, I’m not too sure. I’m averaging a pretty good hourly rate flight time wise at this school and have already been accepted into the Frontier F9 program. I’m going back and forth on it. I love the flight school that I am at and am really enjoying teaching the basic 6 pack avionics in a Cessna.



It sounds like you have a nice deal going where you are instructing. If you are happy with your situation, then I vote you continue there. Please continue to update as as to the course of your career.


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As long as it meets the requirements of your F9 program, there’s no reason to change a good thing! Glad to hear it. Please continue to keep us updated on your progress as a new CFI. That first solo sign-off is a unique experience.



I had two friends that I met through ATP, instruct at Central Jersey Regional, who both have now moved on. The one is in the airlines and the other is buzzing around in a Falcon (I think). Always heard nice things about that airport, I’ve never been there though. Maybe next time I go fly the Hudson Corridor with my buddies we’ll stop in. I normally use N87 as my pitstop for fuel (cheap self-serve) and bathroom break.


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How was Manassas, VA? I am going to check it out as I live 45 mins from there. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Congratulations on accomplishing a complete set of first time passes!


After some months of waiting and instructing at a local flight school, I received a call today that there is an instructor position available at KMMU where I trained.

Indoc starts next week down in Jacksonville! I am happy to have instructed at a local flight school to get some experience, did over 125 hours of instruction. Hoping to build off that at ATP. The familiarity with the planes, SOP’s, the structure and close proximity to my family helped in making the decision to continue my path to 1500 hours at ATP.

Will update as the weeks progress!




Sounds like you got your wish, a MMU position! Congratulations and welcome back to the ole’ stomping grounds where it all began.

Looking forward to seeing your success and journey through ATP :slight_smile:


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Great news! You’ll be building time fast! Congrats!


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I am 42 LEO, looking at career change. Im trying to figure out how to get my private pilots license and then I can use my GI Bill for the rest. Im studying FAA Knowledge to prep for exam. I might enroll in a local college to attend flight school, have not decided yet, that way everything is covered. I already have a degree in Criminal Justice.

I would recommend looking into RTAG Nation on Facebook - they have a ton of resources for military/ex-military - There are a lot of technicalities with the GI Bill and what/how they cover/reimburse things. There have also been a lot of hold-ups with Universities and the VA processing payments so the schools will hold students up from continuing courses or getting flight time in. This forum is ATP Flight School’s forum and unfortunately they don’t do much of anything with the GI bill. As for studying for the FAA Knowledge tests, everyone on this Forum recommends downloading Sporty’s for PPL and Sheppard Air for any other tests. If you use the search bar you’ll find some good recommendations on study techniques, all using Rote Memorization, but you’ll find some who’ve used online ground school as well.
Best of luck!


At 42, I recommend you change your focus to an accelerated program like ATPs. While I more than understand the desire to use your VA bennies, at your age I think that’s penny wise and pound foolish.

Mandatory retirement for pilots is 65. That means if you start now you could be at a Regional (or even an LCC) by 44-45, leaving you 20yrs to fly. Salaries these days for senior Capts is $450k, but every year you delay entry, is a year you’ll forfeit that money (not to mention seniority and the benefits that come with that). Training locally, part-time is inefficient and most never reach their goals. At 42 you’re not old but you do need to get cracking.




Awesome news! Thank you for the update, keep them coming.


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ATP Instructor Indoc down in Jacksonville complete! The instructors down here are top notch. Back home tomorrow and on Monday the fun begins!



Congrats on completing Indoc and best of luck on instructing and time building. I have a start date with ATP of September 11th. I see it took 11 months to complete the program, I’m just curious what were the biggest causes of delays during your training?


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The first of many aviation employee ID’s :slight_smile: I still have mine stashed in a drawer somewhere.

Best of luck in your first few weeks as a new instructor. Be careful, have fun and check in when you can! Enjoy the right seat!



Instructing Update

As of yesterday, I just crossed 600TT hours. I really enjoy instructing and the students I have at Morristown are awesome. I am currently 1/1 on student checkride passes and just endorsed my two instrument students for their checkrides and my 1 private student for his checkride. I am currently teaching 4 students and just got assigned a future Private student who is starting in two weeks. Having 4 students I think is the perfect number. ATP stresses to book 17 flights for the week with all your students with the idea that some will get cancelled due to weather or MX issues. With this math, you can do an average of 80hours a month. I currently did 103 in October. It can be done. My days off are only when it rains, even then I’ll schedule a ground.

Since I am a part of Frontiers Cadet Program, I am still receiving their $500 a month monthly stipend up until 750TT hours, then it increases to $1,000 a month. I have elected to put that money in an interest bearing account since Frontier requires a 3yr commitment to them.

Just a friendly update on how my progress has been going since coming out of Indoc! Look forward to checking in when I am near 1000TT.




Congrats on the 600, you’ve surpassed a 1/3 of the journey and way to the 1,500 target. Continue the great work and giving your students all you got as an instructor and you sir, can hold a Gold Seal Certificate in no time.

I am glad we someone that is apart of the Frontier (F9) Cadet Program and hopefully can share their knowledge with others. :slight_smile:

Is Frontier giving you any other sign-on bonuses upon Day 1 indoc at F9? I believe a few of my fellow colleagues that went got $50,000 in a 5-year CD…
