AI flight planning

Hi, your thoughts on this upcoming AI flight planning technology? Does it significantly effect how pilots plan their flights?


In reality we really don’t plan our flights, dispatch does. They plan the route based on a number of factors (as stated in the article) using flight planning software. We get the flightplan and review it. If it looks good we go, if there’s some question (weather, fuel, alternates,etc) we call and discuss.

This is simply the latest version in an attempt to optimize, which is good. The thing to remember however is no matter how smart these things get, weather is dynamic and can literally change in seconds. Ultimately regardless of what the flight plan says if a anvil pops up at FL370, the Capt makes the decision which way to turn.



United has been using automated flight planning for many years, but it is always overseen by a qualified dispatcher and agreed to with the Captain. This sounds like a fancier way of doing the same thing.
