At what location do/did you study?

Hey all! …I hope I’ve put this in the right category :stuck_out_tongue:

Just a quick little question to satisfy my curiosity. At which ATP location are you studying (or if you’re teaching/already graduated/etc.) And what did you like about it? I’m on my way to ATP with my wife once I finish up my bachelor’s degree next April, and we’re just looking around at different locations, nothing serious. Though we do like most of what we’ve heard about the cities Colorado Springs and Jacksonville, FL. And just now I got the bright idea, "Hey! Why don’t I ask the pilots there what they think of the places?

So let me know! Where have you been, and what did you like about the flight school, the city, the weather, etc.?

I’m about to start CFS, considering ATP. I live in Jacksonville, what do you wanna know about it?
Great weather, mostly nice housing, beautiful beaches and rivers (I do a lot of fishing) and a great airport for training.


was stationed in Jacksonville years ago (active navy), I enjoyed it and have spent the last 13 years trying to get back haha. real ease of access to a lot of things and fewer tourists than orlando/south florida.

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I am starting at Jacksonville in July. I chose it because I like the city, and I shouldn’t have to move mid training for cfi school. I am from Chattanooga TN, so Nashville was a strong option.

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