Bad Press?

People often come on this forum asking about some bad reviews they’ve read online. This is nothing new, I’ve been on this forum for 20yrs now and there have always been naysayers. Last night however I came upon a FB group (guess the algorithm thought it fit) called “The Dirty Reality About Going to ATP Flight School”. Honestly I was kind of shocked when I saw the group had 10,000 members (that’s alot of unhappy customers!). Fortunately I was able to browse the forum without joining and it started making much more sense. ATP has been in business for 40yrs now and has had tens of thousands of pilots hired by the airlines over that time (over 1,200 in the last 12 mos alone). With a flight school of this size, doing business for as long as they have there are bound to be complaints (some were from students decades ago). What struck me most was one former grad apparently attempted to post something positive and it was removed. He asked why and the moderator’s response was that this forum was ONLY for negative reviews. Further ALL the forums that post positive reviews are all “ATP Company Shills”.

As I said, I’ve been on this forum for 20yrs. During that time I’ve always been very honest. I’ve told the good and the bad and most important I’ve NEVER been censored. The fact is ATP is not for everyone (and neither is being an airline pilot). The program is challenging, requires 100% commitment and more work than many are willing to put in. When people wash out (which many do) it’s far easier to blame ATP then to admit it was your own failing. I read through many of the posts and few accept any responsibility for their failures (incl after when trying to get to an airline. Guess that makes it easier to sleep at night?).

That all said I know for certain if it hadn’t have been for ATP, I never would have made it to where I am (a very successful and happy Capt at a Major airline) and for that I’ll always be greatful. I recommend ATP to many of my co-workers looking for advice for their kids who want to fly, and have flown with more ATP grads over my 20yrs in the industry than those from any other program. But when I’m asked I’m ALWAYS very honest and more important ask the parents/prospective pilots to do the same. IF you’re willing to put in the work and aren’t looking to have your hand held and be spoon fed, there is no better route. If you’re not ATP is not the school for you but then the airlines probably aren’t either. Why?Because that’s how the airlines train and that my friends is the point.
