1.Have my associates degree, wanted to know will I get hired by regional once I graduate from ATP. So I can finish my bachelor while being a pilot.
2. Should I start my private pilot outside of ATP to save money or should I start within the school.
Your questions are covered in the FAQ section, please take a look there as there is a wealth of information to be found.
Short answers though:
Yes, an associates will be fine for the regionals.
You will not really save money by getting your PPL outside of ATP. Most schools quote the minimum number of hours required to obtain a license, but very few people do so in that amount of flight time. Regardless, you will need 78 hours of flight time to enter ATP’s program as that is required to meet certain FAA minimums later in the program.
So I need 78 hours of flight time before I join?
Correct. Check out the requirements here: https://atpflightschool.com/airline-career-pilot-program/enrollment.html
IF you want credit for your PPL yes.
Hey @Chris if you don’t have a Degree hiw hard is to be hired by a Airline do they required a degree?
Regionals do not require a degree, major airlines do.
Thank you