How do I do this?

I am 19 years old and have always had a passion for flight, just looking up at the sky makes me wish I was up there. I do not make a lot of money, certainly not enough to afford Flight school or the required college to get my degree. I was wondering if anyone else had similar experiences, and how to overcome them and achieve my dream of being a pilot. Any advice is greatly appreciated!


Plenty of people have been in your exact situation. Most people take out loans to cover flight school and college. I took out a flight school loan myself and considered it to be money very well spent.



Flight training isn’t cheap and the expense is one of the biggest obstacles many people encounter. The good news is you’re 19 so you’ve got time. Best thing you can do right now is finish your education. Community college is generally affordable and there are grants and loans available, particularly if your family isn’t in a position to help. Get a job while in school, work hard and save your money to pay for flight school eventually. It may take longer than you like but if it’s truly your dream you’ll get there.


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Would you guys recommend just getting my AA before beginning flight school? Or should I complete all 4 years for a bachelors? I have heard that some pilots will just start with their AA and once they get hired on at a regional then they will take online courses to finish their degrees


It’s up to you. Personally, I would get my 4 year degree before flight training. That’s just me. I just finished my first year as an FO at a regional. I’m enjoying my time off. I have more time to focus on upgrading.




Im with Tory. Yes some people finish their educations after they’re at a Regional but many find it challenging and never do. It’s much easier to power through the 4 yrs but totally your call.
