Instructor Pay at ATP


I’m going to take a leap here and assume the following. Above the regular instructor pay, there also this:
When applicants pass a practical test on the first attempt:
$143.75 Bonus for Private, Instrument, and Commercial
$86.25 Bonus for all other ratings
Those “other” ratings being the ME ratings. Since $86.25 is exactly 1/10 of $862.50, they’re counting on 10 ME ratings a month on top of the others that all can do.

That’s my theory and I’m sticking to it!


That’s a good theory and makes sense!

Thanks Adam

when you join a cadet program- how does the tuition reimbursement work-- what can one expect if they accept an offer etc


Tuition Reimbursement varies regional to regional, but generally they will base the amount of “pay” on the number of hours you are instructing (or flying). You can also visit ATP’s main website for some more information on that which lists all of ATP’s 38 partners:



As Brady says, each program varies. But to get an idea, I did SkyWest’s tuition reimbursement program. So for each month they paid me a fixed rate per flight hour. That money went directly from Skywest to my loan so I didn’t have to worry about any payments. Most times, I flew enough to make more than double the minimum payment which helped bring down the principal over the time I instructed.


One big upside of the tuition reimbursement is it’s untaxed dollars!
When you pay, it’s only $0.80-0.90 on the dollar. Reimbursement is 100% of every dollar goes towards loan

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