Just found this place...very interesting

Hi, hope you all are doing well. This may not be the right thread to post and if so, accept my apologies. So I stumbled upon this place much like I stumble upon everything else in life. So this is basically a fast track program, if you will, to regionals and then major airlines I gather? I’ve thought about this before and taken flight lessons when I was a kid because I always wanted to fly, since I was 5.

I’m 43, I’ve always made good money, getting through a few years of “nothing” is not a big deal at this stage. When I looked into this before, the stepping stone to majors ie regionals …I swear the pay was extremely low ($20-30K) and since I’ve read some posts, I think I was right and was one of the reasons at that time, I just couldn’t do it, due to financial obligations and such.

I will very much consider this though, as it is and was a dream of mine to fly for the armed forces but at this point in time, even Regional seems interesting to me. Thanks for all the posts I have read from all of you. I’m sure I will have questions as I mull this over.



I’m 42 and currently in the ATP program. I just got my Private certificate and now working on the instrument rating. Feel free to ask any questions and I might be able to give you a realistic, and similar perspective.


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Hey Simon,

Thanks man, I appreciate it. I don’t know if i will…I still like money and that pursuit and I have some DUI stuff 12 years old plus now that may or may not interfere if I wanted Majors…one of the reasons then because time from it was not on my side… I couldn’t go the armed forces pilot route and lets be real, if I was going to sign up I would only fly. No offense, I got mass respect for all of our service boys. I come from a military family …navy mostly. But this might have been a calling to me…to at least get my private license and buy a plane.



You are correct in that regional pay has increased dramatically. This is one of the benefits of the pilot shortage.

Check out the website, especially the FAQ section and let us know how we can help you.


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I would further point out that “some DUI stuff” might be an issue even for the regional airlines. It depends on how extensive your record is.


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Hi Chris,

I’m very pleased they finally increased Regional pay, it’s a good thing for new pilots trying to get your hours in. Yeah,I figured it definitely might be, even now. At the time I knew there was no way at all. I know why, of course and it absolutely makes sense as you are responsible for not only your crew, passengers and everyone else in the sky and on the ground below you. The last thing you would want, is a pilot under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

This happened in 2007 and not even a parking ticket since then but I can understand. It might just be a private license for me and just stay doing what I’m doing now, career wise. If I could go back in time …Thanks for your input and I enjoyed reading everyone’s experiences, etc. I may look into it a little further though.



I would not write the career off completely just yet. I recommend that you speak with the recruiting departments of several regional airlines and ask them directly.


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Will do, that’s what I was thinking too. Thanks again.
