Radio Aids to Navigation

So I’m studying for my PPL written exam, and I have invested in the king air DVD, however out of everything I’m learning so far this has been one of the most confusing part. Pleas share insights on understanding “Radio aid to navigation”

What I’ve been doing is watching the DVD then I’ll use sporty to take a test on the particular subject I just watched, and for this one I’ve been failing a lot. :frowning: is getting worried lol


That is a very open ended question, can you be more specific? We are happy to help, but please try to narrow it down a bit.


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I figured that too chris… lol I’m talking about tracking VORs, the to and from concept, how to tell the location and everything… honestly I’m just lost :frowning:


You do see the little triangle arrowhead on the instrument face right? If it’s up you’re going TO the VOR (ie, it’s in FRONT of you), if it’s down you’re going FROM the VOR (ie, it’s BEHIND you). In the example below you’re on the SAME radial. Since the FROM radials travel (RADIATES) FROM the station, in both cases the airplane is WEST of the VOR. It’s simply a matter now of which direction the airplane is flying. Again in the first pic showing the TO indication the airplane is flying TO (TOWARDS) the VOR heading EAST (so again it’s WEST of the VOR). The second is showing the FROM indication so the airplane is traveling FROM (or away) the VOR heading WEST, just like the radial. Not sure if that helps but it made my head hurt! Man it’s been a while! Thank heaven for GPS! :slight_smile:



Thanks Adam!!! It makes a little since but what about questions like this:


Is this a test to see if I’m a real pilot?!? Again it’s been a while but this is really pretty simple. That said I have to ask I hope you sent me these screens shots for convenience because there’s really no way you can solve these problems with these little screen shots. Anyway ok here goes (keep in mind I’m working off a small screen too), since they’re talking about radials (and as I said radials RADIATE FROM the VORs) you simply need to look for the radial on the VORs compass rose (in this case Sulphur Springs 245), starting from the center of the VOR draw a line through the 245deg mark and extend it until you hit something (in this case you hit both the Majors and Glenmar), then do the same thing from the Bonham 144 and you’ll see that one crosses the original 245 you drew right at Glenmar so therefore the answer SHOULD BE Glenmar. That said I make no promises :slight_smile:


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I would recommend downloading the Nav Trainer Basic app from the Apple App Store. It’s a free app and I think it really helps to understand navigating with VORs. You can plug in some of those scenairos from your test and get a nice moving visual. My instructor recommended it to me and it really helped me out. I hope that helps.


After re watching the King Course on that I have now I understand 10x better!!! :slight_smile: not that hard actually lol