Where do i start

My name is Kareem,
Im 17 at the moment , turning 18 this year. I am currently a Junior in high-school (11th grade) and i have been really interested in becoming a pilot, I’ve always thought about it even when i was younger but now that its time to take it seriously, i dont know what type of college i need to go to, or what to study in college , or what else i need to do to become a pilot. I also heard about needing to take flight training and have a minimum 1.5k hours of experience. like where do i find that and how much does it cost, can i do it during my college years ? Would it be easy finding a job after ive finished everything? Im really lost right now, i really just dont know what to think about or where to begin.

im currently living in California, San Francisco.


Start here https://airlinepilot.life/c/Ask-your-questions-and-get-real-answers-from-real-pilots/frequently-asked-questions and I encourage you to go out and do an intro flight to be sure this is what you want to do.



Follow the link Tory provided for the ACTUALLY information you’re looking for. It won’t be “like” the info, it will BE the info. :slight_smile:


thank you.

ive read most of them, thank you. just one last question, what should i study in college? Ive read some websites saying i needed to study 1 of 3 choices or 2 of 3 and i really couldnt understand what really to study.


Study what you like. The Majors want a degree but are not concerned about the field of study.


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