Work and school balance (7 days a week)

Hi Everyone!

My class starts Jul/18/22. I am very excited for it! I read a few questions here and I would like a little input in my case as well.
I work full time (from home) but my job schedule is very flexible and is divided in high and low season.
I was wondering if I could balance work with 3-4h/day (slow season Jun - Nov, I can take time off for checkrides/travels) and 8-11h/day(sometimes weekends)(high season Dec - Mar), I also could try to balance that if I work 3-4h/day including weekends (Dec - Mar).
What do guys think? Thanks in advance!


I think, like many people, you want to have your cake and eat it too. If you’ve ever read this forum you know this is not only in the FAQ section, it’s asked often and it’s also referenced on the ATP website. I’m going to assume that one of the reasons you chose ATP was the fact for can complete all your training in just 7mos. ATP accomplishes this by accelerating what normally takes years into months in an effort to mirror the pace of airline training. It’s not easy and most people find the program EXTREMELY challenging. To be successful it requires a full-time commitment and whatever down time (if there is any) should be used to study or rest. ATP is VERY clear that any attempt to work (or go to school, etc) is HIGHLY DISCOURAGED. Most who try fail.

That said this is America and you can do as you like. ATP isn’t your parent and cannot tell you what to do when you’re not in training. With that in mind if (when) you fall behind, bust checkrides, and/or are asked to leave the program due to your inability to keep up, please don’t expect any sympathy, compromise or anything other than the balance of your money. It will be you who decided to go against the advice and you who jeopardized your future career possibly irreparably.

On a positive note you will be able to become one of the washout stories who then go on the internet and bad mouth ATP because they’re not fair.

Again it’s your choice, your career and your money.


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Like Adam said, working is highly discouraged while attending ATP’s ACPP. In the Student & Instructor handbook, you are already required to be available 7-days a week (Page 11) for flight training. If you have a work schedule that is planned a week in advanced, and you can’t fly multiple days a week due to working, how are you going to keep proficient in flying?

I’ve seen students try working in the program and it is not easy for them, 1 of many things could happen [just a few listed items below]:

  1. The student will mediocrely pass-through early stages, but as the work schedule and flight lessons get intervened, the student will struggle come later stages,
  2. Not pass evaluation flights because they are “fatigued” from working the previous day/night where or just came in from working,
  3. Realize in the middle of a stage that they cannot do it and are extremely behind pace of other students (I just saw this happen in recent days), or
  4. Fail a checkride and give up (resulting in wasting a lot of money or losing the desire to one day reach their goal).

What you can do is if you’re financing, see about factoring a sum of funds that you would need in order to stay stable and/or set emergency funds aside. If you have financing questions you should reach out to our Finance department, they’re all great.


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Welcome to the forum.

Absolutely not, there is no way that you can work at all while enrolled in ATP’s program. The program is a full time commitment and will require every hour you have with flying, simulator work, studying or sleeping. If you try to work and train, you are setting yourself up for failure. I would either find a way to not work whilst in the program, or think about another school that is able to accommodate part time students.



Just to add my voice to the choir. The program used to be 9 months. That’s when I went through and I spent all my time, at the training center, studying or sleeping. Now it’s shortened to only 7 months. That’s taking an already accelerated program and making it even more rigorous.

The goal is to prepare you for the fast pace of airline training. You won’t be working any side job during initial 121 training and you definitely shouldn’t try it through initial flight training. The learning curve is much steeper going from zero ground knowledge or stick and rudder skills to coming out with 7 ratings and the responsibility of others flight training.

I’d recommend figuring out how to arrange your responsibilities so that flight training gets nothing but your full attention.



In 2017 I worked 20-40hrs per week with a flexible work schedule while in the 9 month 0-Hero program.

It took me 12 months and I had 2 checkride busts. Sure, some of that was contributed to things out of my control, but the fact remains there were times I wish I was studying to be better prepared, instead of working. It absolutely could have helped avoid those busts.

Although in the past I’d say it could be done… The program is now 7 months, and includes more homework / videos…. So like the Mentors, I don’t recommend working while in ATPs Fast Track Program.

Chris F


Your case is no different than anyone else’s in this regard. Your new “job” is the program itself. This is no stroll through the park. The syllabus doesn’t allow for outside distractions. This is to your benefit so that you can get hired on at an airline faster than your peers that are not enrolled in ATP’s program.

It’s a sacrifice to put off work for the duration of the program, but the reward will potentially pay off in dividends because you will have more seniority than those that decided to begin their training elsewhere.


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2022/06/22 - I would like to thank everyone for your honest reply.
I never wanted something as much as this in my life so I am very grateful to have people like you for support!
Thanks especially to:
@Adam (Sometimes what is said is hard and not what we would like to hear but that is the reality and we have to face it with the pros and cons).
@Brady , @Chris , @Hannah , @Cforero7 and @Tory for your personal experience and careful analysis of my situation.

You are very welcome, Paulo. Please let us know how else we can help. We hope that you will share some of your experiences with us during the program.
