How easy is it to stack your trips and build 5-7+ consecutive days off without taking actual vacation time? As an extreme example, is it possible to fly the first 16 days of the month, and be off the last 14?
It is of course possible but scheduling, like everything else at the airlines, is based on seniority. You get your requested days off only if they are available and no one senior to you requested them as well.
I know of a few crewmembers that commute from overseas (One CA from the Caribbean, an FA from Italy, and even an FO from Beijing). They are able to set their schedules just like you described, but they are bidding at pretty high seniority.
Actually, it can be rather hard to stack your trips like you describe as there are FAA scheduling limitations that in many cases prevent flying more than six days in a row, plus there are oftentimes contractual limitations that prevent this.
Occasionally I will get a week or so off, but generally my days off come in blocks of three or four days and I am pretty senior on the 737.
As the others have said it’s all about seniority. I routinely get 10 days off in a row with no issue and I’m relatively low seniority on the Airbus,
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