ATC Terminology

May be a dumb question but it’s been bothering me and I cannot find it on the internet, nor figure it out. I have been listening to a lot of “Kennedy Steve” lately and I keep hearing the term “alleyway” being used. What is the alleyway at an airport? I do apologize if this terminology question is not wanted in this forum because it’s mostly questions about pilot life.



Not dumb at all. “Alleyway” is used to describe the space between two rows of jetways that often only have enough space for one aircraft at a time. This is a screenshot of LAX’s taxiway diagram. The areas labeled D7, D9, D10, C6 through C10 are all examples of alleyways.


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Perfect, thank you very much!

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I have usually heard this referred to as “the alley”. It is the space between two concourses that jets push back into when the are pushed off the gates. It is the area that one usually sits for a few minutes to start their engines. Typically this is not part of an actual taxiway, but is instead considered part of the ramp.


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Makes sense to me now, thank you!