Busted my ride today. Took off under the hood which was a first for me, unusual attitudes, tracking/intercepting courses, VOR/DME approach with an arc, went missed, then was cleared for an ILS.
Was worried about staying above minimums at the FAF, so I came in too high, didn’t correct for it soon enough & eventually lost the glide slope full deflection.
I am sorry to hear that, I am sure it is very frustrating. My best tip, and it is easier said than done, is to try not to focus on the bust and instead learn from it and do not repeat the same mistake again. Go into the checkride knowing that you already have a large part of the ride over with and all you need to do is complete a few areas.
Not really sure what you’re looking for. It sounds like you just need to redo that approach and fly it within standards?
I guess my only question is, were you aware of the acceptable tolerances? If you were, it sounds like poor planning or fixation. If you weren’t, then I would advise you to familiarize yourself with the acceptable tolerances. Not sure what else to say other than work with your instructor on it unless you have any specific questions or concerns.
Definitely aware of the standards & am not saying it shouldn’t have been a bust. Absolutely should have been. Was focused on keeping the localizer centered & kept my eyes off the glide slope for too long.
Was simply wondering how some people recuperate & bounce back for their recheck.
Not much else you can do except accept the bust, focus on your recheck, learn from it and move on. I understand that acceptance is easier said than done. I’m not trying to minimize how you must be feeling. I remember my first bust. Very humbling, but I learned a valuable lesson and never let it negatively affect the rest of my training. Pilots are prideful. Whether you want to or not, put that aside. When you pass your recheck, your confidence will be restored and you’ll be too busy, focusing on the next rating to let this bring you down.
The retest only covers the failed part and any uncompleted parts of the checkride. But keep in mind that any time you are sitting next to examiner, you are being evaluated on every aspect of your flying, whether officially or not.
Sorry Chris, I was referring to your comment about them only retesting you on the part that you had failed during the check ride. Is that the case with all check rides?
Tory may have answered my question but now I’m not so sure
It’s the case with ALL checkrides but as Chris said from the moment you meet the examiner you’re being evaluated. If you mess something up on your way to that maneuver you can get busted on that even if you did fine the day before.
I know you’re just curious but pilot etiquette dictates that in busted ride situations you never ask (this continues to the airlines btw), you wait for the person to volunteer the info. Just in case things didn’t go well. In this case I have no idea, just saying.