Cheapest and fastest way to the airlines

Greetings aviators, I’m at a big crossroad in deciding to go to ATP or an aviation college. I’m 21 and I have my diploma, but I was not able to start college at 18, so I don’t have a degree. A friend recommenced going to an aviation college, but my biggest concern is the large amount of debt associated with it, and the time to finish college and get an
R-ATP. I’ve thought of going to ATP flight school, because it’s cheaper and quicker, and since seniority is everything, I think it’s the best option.
I also want to go to Endeavor Air, because I live in an EDV base.
In everyone’s professional opinion, what’s the best choice?


Not sure what you mean by you were “not able to start at 18 so you don’t have a degree”? Regardless, please visit our FAQ section as we discuss the various routes available.



With very few exceptions, you will need a degree for the major airlines, you I would plan on getting one at some point. Yes, education is expensive, but it opens doors that are simply not available otherwise.

Please check out the FAQ section, there are some posts there that will really help to steer you in the right direction.


I meant I did’t start college at 18, so I don’t have a degree currently.

I planning on starting at a relatively inexpensive university in my city, and once I start my first airline job at a regional, do online courses to finish my four year degree. My goal is to get my degree with the least amount of debt at possible, and I get to the airlines ASAP.

I’ll check out the FAQs.