College and Flight instructing

I am looking into going to ATP once I finish my associates. That will mean that I still need a bachelors. Has anyone been able to flight instruct with ATP and manage going to school at the same time?


I’m certain some people may have taken a few classes online while instructing for ATP but if you’re talking about actually going to college that’s a no. Just as ATPs Fast Track is a full time commitment for the students, ATP expects the same for its instructors.

Let’s say you invested $80k+ in the program. You’ve got your Instrument checkride on Fri but the weather hasn’t been good. It’s 2 days prior and you need to polish a few things but your instructor says “I’m sorry, I’ve got a paper due so we can’t fly Thurs”. Would that be acceptable to you? Probably not.

You’ll have plenty of time to finish college once you get hired at a Regional.




I would strongly recommend against going to college online while flight instructing. The job of a CFI is a demanding one with long hours and it requires a large amount of concentration, it is not the time to also be trying to juggle college classes.

There will be plenty of time to work on your degree while you are at the regionals, save it for then.



It’s a commitment, full time, accelerated program. If you want to succeed, you won’t have time for anything else. When you think you have studied enough, study more.

Oh wow! Thanks for your fast reply. That makes sense. How likely is it to get hired at a regional with only an associates? And how many credit hours would be too much? 6?


Regional airlines have no degree requirements. As for credit hours that depends on you but I’d def keep it light. Instructing needs to be your priority and you don’t want your grades to suffer. Again you have plenty of time.



You will not need any degree for the regionals. You will most certainly need one or the majors.

I would n to recommend taking any college classes at all while instructing. You will have plenty of time while you are at the regionals.


Thank you all very very much! I will likely just wait until I finish school in that case. I really want to fly for a major airline and I dont trust myself to be able to handle school with regional flying and now understand instructing is the same thing


Plenty people combine regional flying and college, it is hard, but doable.
