Commuting to work


Not commuting is easier. Anything else can be a challenge.


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In theory that sounds like a better idea than a 2 leg commute, but this is a personal decision. It’s whatever you and your family are willing to do. Adam has a point. You may be tempted to move again once you’re on with a major.


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“Easier” is relative. Idk. Would there be enough flights in/out of the smaller airport for you to catch?


Currently its 4-5 every day on Delta to ATL and 5 on American operated by PSA to CLT. I guess I’ll just have to see when the time comes


I have two leg commuted and one leg commuted. I would absolutely recommend the longer drive and one leg commute. Your car should always be on time, will always have an open seat and likely won’t cancel on you.




Thanks again for your comments. I understand commuting is not ideal and I have it already in my head that at need 4 days off to go home, so if it gets better that’s a bonus. As Adam and Tory said, I certainly don’t want to move every time I’m at a new base but I still wonder about moving to one of the more major hub areas so it’s a doable commute for 6-7 years until I’m hopefully in the majors. I guess I have a couple years to worry about that before I have to make a decision. Since I’m not a good candidate for the ATP schools (I have my commercial), I want to pick a school that partners with a couple of what I think would be my top regional choices as of now with the understanding that a lot can change in 2 years. Endeavor, SkyWest, and Republic in that order.

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Honestly I wouldn’t worry too much about “partner schools”. Partner schools are being set up more to benefit the airlines than the students. Due to the pilot shortage and high demand at the Regionals, the idea is to lock pilots in early in the process. While many are offering Tuition Reimbursement which is good if you need it, you wouldn’t be sacrificing anything as you can get it as a hiring bonus later.

You really need to simply find the best school you can, do well and you’ll have no issue getting hired at the Regional of your choice.


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Thanks Adam