Cost of tuition increased to $75,995

I last checked ATP’s website on March 10 and noticed that the tuition was $69,995. I checked ATP’s website today and noticed that the cost of tuition for starting from private increased from $69,995 to $75,995. I did notice that the $1,000 cost for the training bundle is now included in the $75,995. Can anyone chime in as to why tuition for ATP increased? I am not planning to enroll until early 2019 and I am worried that the cost of tuition will be too high by the time I enroll in the program.


The tuition increase is due to increased operational costs that ATP is experiencing. These include increased av-gas prices, an extra ten hours of multi engine time being included in the program and as you mentioned, the training bundle being included in the price.


Give the admissions office a call. I spoke with them on Monday and they intend to honor the old price for students who enroll before April 30th and have class date that begins before October 1st.


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