Current situation


I’m currently inquiring about attending ATP here in Kansas City after they open in January. I’ve read numerous forums/comments about the current situation in the airline industry and what the future may hold. I’ve read alot that say there’s a huge shortage of pilots and I’ve read several that say there is not. Any insight on the current or near future outlook would be greatly appreciated!


As you said there are many threads on the subject. I’m of the mind there’s still a shortage, in fact it’ll eventually be worse. For those who disagree I’d ask what they’re basing their opinion on? A year ago the industry was facing perhaps the greatest pilot shortage in history. The pandemic came and business came to a halt but zero was done to address the shortage. In fact the number one solution the airlines took to address their lack of income was to offer early retirement to pilots set to retire in the next 5yrs. This effectively exacerbated the number one cause of the shortage.

While everyone has an opinion the following is from CAE, one of the largest and oldest simulator manufacturers in the world:


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Thank you for your insight and the information, it helps assure that I’m making the right decision now that I have the opportunity. Thanks again.


Well, none of us have crystal balls here, nor has the industry ever taken a nosedive like this before. That being said, the industry certainly has gone through contractions in the past and has always recovered. If you started training today, it would be at least two years until you were eligible to go to the airlines. By then we will be in a completely different place and this virus should be long behind us. This pandemic has had a huge impact on the airline for now, but it has done nothing to stop the wave of pilot retirements that are in the future.

I personally think that it is a great time to train, but that is my humble opinion.



Thank you and I know there’s no 100% prediction of the future as with any industry however, I’m gaining as much insight from current pilots as I can before I start. What you guys do on here is greatly appreciated.
