Hi all!!, just wanted to update my status. I will be visiting the Daytona location in February 18-25 as I will take a week to get things in order (as I will be moving) and ready to start. I want to get the intro flight and just see how things work =) Any recommendation?
Nothing you really need to do to prepare other than watch the video and completing the Intro Flight Learning module (https://atpflightschool.com/programs/intro-training-flight.html). Quick question though, are you moving to be closer to the Daytona location specifically to go to training?
Angel - Please give the ATP admissions department a call to schedule a training center tour as well as schedule your start date.
Yes and of course SCEHDULE the Intro flight!
@Adam Yes, Actually I will be moving from Puerto Rico for flight training.
@DanielleCalnin I will! I will be visiting for a week as I need to settle on some things before scheduling that start date. But I will definetely schedule that tour and intro flight. ASAP
Preferably BEFORE you actually move!
Intro flight and Tour Scheduled for the 20th of February.! So pumped!!!
That is great news! Let us know how it goes
Very cool! Congrats!