Dec 2023 Schedule

December was a really nice month. 16 days off. I’m not counting MED as a day off nor do I count the gateway travel days as a day off. The MED on 12/1 is because I was sick at the end of November which led into one day of December.

AWRD means an originally scheduled day on was awarded off.

  1. MED
  2. off
  3. off
  4. off
  5. off
  6. off
  7. off (gateway DFW-CVG)
  8. CVG-PDX
  9. PDX-AFW
  10. layover at home
  12. AWRD
  13. AWRD
  14. DFW-MIA (DH)
  16. layover
  17. SKF-RIV
  18. layover
  19. RIV-BNA
  20. BNA-RIV (morning time), then ONT-CVG (DH)(redeye)
  21. got into CVG around 0930, then CVG-BOI (redeye)
  22. got into BOI 0330, then rest of day off
  23. BOI-CVG (redeye), then gateway home later in the day
  24. off
  25. off
  26. off
  27. off
  28. off
  29. off
  30. off
  31. off