Do I finish my Degree first?

Uh huh…


Cullen it was.

Reading your response I couldn’t help but see a certain irony…

Let’s just leave it at that.



I’m sorry and I’m really not trying to be disrespectful but I simply find it somewhat ironic that someone in HS who has not completed the program nor completed an online aviation degree is offering advice, which is contrary to the mentors on this forum, via a very poorly written response (here’s a fun fact, many Major airlines have essay written questions to assess an applicants comm skills).

While you may know “many pilots” who have, I can 100% promise you I know more who were unsuccessful.

While you’re more than entitled to your opinion and can do as you like, I suggest you not offer recommendations to others until you gain some experience and knowledge.



No response was given (or needed). One simply has to read yours to know.

Peace out.


The joke was on you stating “lost people”.


There are a million ways to become an airline pilot. We all know a guy…who knows a guy…who did it a certain way and swears his is the only right way…

The mentors are here on their own free time helping advise prospective students on the most efficient way to get to the airlines for most people.

We don’t say get a degree first always because…

  1. Not everyone meets the admission requirements for ATP without some college credits or work history
  2. The study methods and work ethic you learn in college makes you more prepared for the rigors of the accelerated career pilot program
  3. Those 2-4 years of maturing helps develop many portions of the brain especially those used in decision making
  4. Not everyone can balance a full time flying schedule and completing a degree
  5. Right now it is realistic to get though a regional and be interviewing at a major in less than the 4 years it takes to complete a bachelors degree.

If you want to participate here, please review the “rules of the road”:


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Hi Cullen,

What’s the rush? You probably won’t begin at a major airline without a degree, so you won’t be getting seniority until you finish the degree anyway. You could get a degree before training, or while you’re at the regional airline, but either way your seniority clock at the majors starts at the same time. Does that make sense?

The other major concern is what happens if you go into training or start at a regional airline and lose your medical. Do you have a backup career in mind?



In aviation, we have what we call hazardous attitude, we also have antidotes that help correct our mindset to better. Below is part of a line I saw from your comment above which raises my concern of your maturity.

This is why we recommend majoring in a degree you could find yourself enjoying if something fell through in aviation. It doesn’t matter the type of degree when it comes to the airlines, it can be a point of having one versus not. There is a time in the world where you will no longer be eligible for a medical and/or fly for an airline. Or…another pandemic hits and pilots are being furloughed again.

I really recommend you to step back a minute and look at the big picture and previous advice the others have given. I took their advice years ago and currently sitting in a hotel starting my airline experience. I am where I am thanks to the advice the others have given and what ATP had to offer for me.


Even me? :wink:


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Yeah. :sunglasses:

I remember our Chick-fil-A :cow: replies from years ago. Hard to believe that was a little over 3 years ago, when I first took my admissions flight.


And look at you now! :slight_smile:

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Yes. During my sophomore year of college, I was looking at flight schools, but with many recommendations I held off until I finished my degree.


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