I have seen in a couple of threads that various bases or domiciles tend to be a “more senior” or “less senior” base. After doing a GOOGLE search, I was unsuccessful in finding a list of some sort. Is there a list of domiciles ordered based off seniority, or is this just a piece of street knowledge you gain as you “fly” through your career?
-My desire is to be based out of BOS. Is BOS a more senior domicile?
On the Pilot Domiciles it says American is also one of the airlines there.
Thanks for the feedback Jordan, I edited the link, hopefully it works now.
Thanks! I’m in the planning phase right now and working up to my PPL checkride.
You will not be able to find the information that you are looking for, it simply isn’t out there on the web.
Seniority at bases is highly complex and is not necessarily linear. For example, EWR is a very senior 777 base for United, but a junior base for the 737. This is just something that you will have to learn in time.
Speaking in very broad terms though, I think you will find that Boston is more senior than average as there simply are not a lot of airlines that have large bases there.
While not common, airlines do sometimes close bases and transfer operations to other airports.