question ? when auto pilot is disengaged, does auto thruttle
also disengage too
from elena
question ? when auto pilot is disengaged, does auto thruttle
also disengage too
from elena
On all of the airplanes that I have flown, they are independent systems and turning off one does not mean that the other must be turned off.
No. The auto throttle system is a separate system unto itself. It can receive inputs from the FMC, but it is its own system.
Speed brakes are engaged when we either need to slow down quickly or descend quickly, or upon landing to destroy lift and help the airplane stop more quickly.
Depends what kind of pilot we’re talking about. Here are some articles in our FAQ section to help:
Hi I just want to say thank you to all you gentalmen
For the answers and if its ok for a few more questions
About aircrafts, its all very exciting for me, and your responds
Excites me even more,
Thanks again elena
You are welcome. Let us know how else we can help you.
Hello when checking the rudders on the Airbus
How can one tell that the tail is actually moving
Left and right ?
There is a graph display in the cockpit that shows the deflections of thew various flight controls.
Oh thank you Chris that’s a good thing ,to see the movements
Thru a monitor , wowww
Thank you
It’s not a monitor and you’re not actually seeing the flight control surfaces move. It’s as Chris says a display that illustrates the movement detected by sensors. See below:
oh yes thank you Troy I saw the display one can actually see all of the flight control systems
thank you Adam that’s just great to see even the speed brakes and all
hi those CRJs are beautiful