Has anyone switched from public service to becoming a pilot?

Im 19 and have currently been getting certs needed to become a firefighter. I have always been interested in both aviation and firefighting, but the cost of flight school is kind of what steered me away. I have my final interview for a city dept soon, but wanted to get more insight before commiting as a part of me still wants to be a pilot. Has anyone from a police/fire background become a pilot or do you know anybody who has? If so, how do they like being a pilot compared to their previous careers? Do they find aviation to still be as exciting?


If you browse this forum you’ll see many posts from former firefighters, police and other public service positions. There really is no “common” progression into the industry.



I knew one firefighter sho became a pilot, then went back to the fire department. I have known others to make the switch and be very satisfied. It just really depends on the individual.


did the firefighter you knew mention why he decided to go back to the fire department?

I’ve done a lot of browsing and have seen many make the switch, I was just struggling to find information on how those who’ve experienced both compare the two. Did they regret changing it and if so why? etc.
I’m extremely interested in aviation, but wanted to see if those who made the jump found it worthwhile and enjoyed it more, or if the opposite was true and they find it harder to extract as much meaning from flying or some other reason.


I have been in the volunteer service of firefighting now for 8 years; however, as I transitioned into the airlines and started flying, I have not been as active as the past. I started my flight training while taking my essential classes for firefighting, in 2018.

I believe public service members should be paid more than what they are. I know the salaries of firefighters is not of what pilots make, for the type of work that is done. You seem concerned about the costs of flight school, but there are ways that can enable you to attend such training.

Why don’t you take a few discovery flights (introductory lessons) and see for yourself how you like flying, and if this is something you could see yourself doing.



I know FF’s who have made the jump and are happy they did, I know a few who didn’t. They found the job boring as with many things it can become routine.

Ultimately it doesn’t matter what others think or feel, it’s like food, movies, sports or just about anything that’s subjective. We’re all different and the only one who can make good decision is you.



If you use the search feature and type “firefighter” you’ll see quite a few. Here are some just to help get you started…


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Yes, he liked putting out fires better than he did flying.

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