Hims process?

Good evening all, I had a question about the Hims process. I have started a career transition into flying and am gearing up for flight school. I got my student pilot certificate and had my AME medical exam today. I was deferred and did not get the first class certificate due to an ssri I was prescribed. The AME mentioned I would have to go through the Hims process to be able to fly and I could be delayed for up to a year. This is all quite shocking and heartbreaking, especially since I haven’t taken the ssri in a few months and was prescribed it by my pcp for eating.

Has anyone gone through anything similar or can provide guidance on how best to navigate the system? My dream is still to fly with an airline but I’m worried I might never get there. I’m 31 now and scared about how much longer this will take.

Thanks in advance

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Others with experience may chime in, but what’s important to understand is when it comes to these matters every case is different. The FAA has a responsibility to protect you and the flying public and they take the responsibility very seriously (as they should). It’s not just that you were taking the medication, they’re going to want to know why so yes you’re going to need to jump through some hoops. The first of which is you should speak to a HIMS AME.

That all said I’m confused about the quote above. If this truly is a dream it wouldn’t so easily be squashed because you have to maybe wait a year. While I understand it’s disappointing, there are people who face far greater struggles obtaining their dreams and goals and many who never will. Yours has a remedy. While it might not be in the timeframe you desire, at 31 you’re still younger than the average start of most airline pilots. If this really is your dream you’ll go through the process and if that’s not acceptable to you then I suspect it really never was.


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Thanks Adam, I appreciate the encouragement and advice. The AME I saw today is also a HIMS AME, but all she could tell me was the FAA will be reaching out in the next month or so. That quote you referred to is just doom thinking, I worry that this obstacle could turn into more and more and more. The worry is unjustified, but I’m still doing my best to process what happened. Thanks again

Im in a similar position as you, but my medical previously got denied for substance abuse in 2018 for a 2012 posession and parapenalia (gram of weed and a bowl) and a 2013 DUI drugs (driving smoking a blunt)
I consulted a HIMS AME 3 weeks ago and he outlined the process ahead of me. Yours might be different since you got in trouble for medication, and i, for drugs.
What I’ll have to do is get randomed for 2-3 months (the usual FAA certified letter and a 48hr notice to go test) and as long as Im clean and dry, and, obviously pass the medical part of the medica exam, I’ll get a special issuance 1st class, at which point i can apply for flight school and/or do things a 1st class medical holder is eligible to do. Then for another year I’ll keep getting randomed, after which the “special issuance” will fall off and become a normal unrestricted 1st class.

I asked if I’ll have to wait til “special issuance” falls off to be eligible for flight school, and he said no, special issuance has nothing to do with restricted or unrestricted status, a special issuance is as good as unrestricted. And that legally flight schools/employers arent allowed to ask what the special issuance is for

I had to sign HIPAA releases for my AME to access my previous file from 2018 (since i had a different AME back then), and I’m currently waiting for the FAA to send all that stuff over before my AME can begin his process

Like I and everyone else said, your process may/probably will vary, but thats a conversation with your AME. This is just a coarse outline for what it might look like for someone with weed on the record. What sucks for you, and this is a mistake that seemingly everyone who’s ever got deferred/denied does, is go right into the medical without a consultation first. I did, and it wasn’t till after that I learned what the FAA medical process really entails, how you can hurt yourself in irreversible ways in the process, how its a “once started, there’s no pause or stop til youre holding a medical card or a denial letter in your hands”, etc etc.

Hi Harry,

I’ve got a semi-similar situation going on. I’m 40 and starting aviation as a second career. Applied for my initial 1st class back in May and my AME deferred due to an SSRI I had been on for a couple years. I’ve since been cleared by my doctor to stop taking it and waited the 60 days off of it to have this reviewed. The FAA has now asked for all of my medical records in relation to being prescribed this medication before they will clear me even though I am no longer taking it.

Every time I think I’ve got this managed, they require something else that sets the timeline back a month or more. Hopefully this will be the final bit of information and history they require from me to finally get going.

All this is to say, if you want it, stay the course and take the steps necessary, you’ll get there in the end.

Thank you for sharing your experience and how everything is going Roman, I wish you luck moving forward! You mentioned a consultation. As I’ve been googling Hims stuff, I’ve seen companies that claim to help work through the Hims process, like WingManMeds. They claim the process goes by quicker with their help. Have you heard of or used any services like that? I thought about giving them a call.

I appreciate that Jeremy, especially the last bit. I know I should be able to get there if I just go through the process. How long did it take you to get started on it all after your initial AME visit? Mine told me it’ll be a month or so before I hear fro moths FAA.

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My AME deferred to the FAA and after that I received my first communication from them 33 days later. Since then they seem to more quickly respond to the new documentation I provided for them. My big snag now is that my old doctor who is ny initial prescriber has a month long backlog for medical records so I’ve got another setback. I was hoping to start ATP by August but I’ve got to shift my expected timeline now for a third time.

Never heard of that. But in my opinion, anywhere there’s a chance to make money off of peoples problems, a business sprouts, and who knows how effective they are at actually helping. I just went straight to the AME, called and scheduled a consult. Wasnt cheap, 300 dollars for a half hour of conversation, but it answered alot of questions and definitely gave hope.

He told me about a pilot who flies for one of Deltas regionals that got a DUI recently. Lost all of his certificates and medical. Took him almost a year to get his medical back, and another 3 months to pass all the writtens and all the check rides (had to take every single one, PPL on up) and got hired back by the airline no problem and is getting ready to move up to DAL mainline

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Please keep in mind here that Roman’s experience is based off his violating the law and abusing an illegal substance, this is very different from what your situation is. Point is that every case is different, it is best to work with your AME and see what the FAA says.


Thank you Jeremy, Roman, and Chris for all the information. I understand that every case will be different but it does make me feel better hearing what others have gone through and how it was all handled. I know right now I need to wait for the letter from the FAA. Has anyone heard or seen these medical aviation groups that you can consult with? It looks like they advertise the ability to speed up the process and provide all information on next steps. I was reviewing info on WingManMed’s website but wasn’t sure if it would be helpful or not.

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You obviously can do what you like but in my experience the FAA does what they do how they do it. Further if you go on their website they make no claims (nor do their testimonials) of expediting the process, just helping you navigate it (which any good HIMS AME can do).

Your money, your choice.


I can relate to your issue, I’m 35 and an A&P mechanic looking to transition to the pilot side. Years ago I had a psychiatric issue which I disclosed to my AME the day of my first class medical exam. My AME deferred my medical to the FAA, who requested a full psychiatric evaluation from a psychologist familiar with the HIMS process. I got it done, and was ultimately granted my first class medical. Whole process took about 8 months. Seems like a long time but well worth the wait and effort if flying is really what you want to do. The more time you spend around pilots the more stories like this you will hear, so it’s definitely part of the package. Best advice is be prompt, be honest, and do everything they ask you to do. Good luck!

Hey Hari,

I know several folks that were in the same position as you. Anthony with The Pilot Lawyer assisted many of them and they have nothing but great things to say about him. I suggest you reach out to him for a consultation and get his opinion. Anthony G. Ison - The Pilot Lawyer

Also “Wingman Med” on Facebook is a great team of folks that can assist you as well if you would like a second opinion

Hope this helps