Again I apologize for the repeat question . I’m 50 always wanted to fly . My grandfather own a small airport , and he was a crazy crop duster. Ever since I was 2 you could say I have been flying one way or another. My father was a Aveonics engineer and was one of the the original co owners at ASI Inc.out of Pensacola, Fl., so I was flying flight semalatirs at an early age… I have had this dream for quite some time . I would be able to invest full time in this if it is a solid direction I could go. Thanks in advance,
As you said this seems to be a very common question. The answer is no, you’re not too old BUT you do need to be realistic about your goals. At 50 you’re probably never going to fly for a Major airline. If you start today and work hard you could be at a Regional by 52-53, another 2-3yrs to upgrade you’ll be around 55. Since the mandatory retirement age is 65 for you to leave a Capt slot to be an FO at a Major really doesn’t make sense (if you could even get hired). But if the idea of flying a really nice Regional Jet around the US for the next 12-13yrs sounds good to you, then again the answer is no, you’re not too old.
Thank you Adam , hay I’m still very interested . Hay flying around the US sounds great to me . I have worked all around the USA as well in the Middle East , I was a heavy truck driver "CDL"during LOGCAP 3 in Iraq. I have drove motercycles , boats , an of coarse cars . I have always lived away and worked the life style is me thank you for the reply.
Hey Ken.
Keep moving forward. UPS hired someone 58 years old this year. Im 52 and about to complete my commercial rating. You never know what can happen. Stay the course.
Hi Adam
I’m another one of those 50 year old guys. I’ve read some of your previous posts on the subject and have realistic goals, so I think. I’m starting an ATP program in February. I’m going in with a private ticket and just under 400 hours. I’m excited about a career change and think a job getting paid to fly would be the thing I could enjoy for the next fifteen years or so. What can I expect out of this at this point. Good job at a regional, flying cargo, or charter?? I know I’ll never be a captain flying to Europe.
With all due respect if you really read some of the previous posts on the subject you should have a fair idea of what to expect. In fact I’m a little surprised that you’re starting at ATP and don’t know what to expect? As we’ve been saying you can definitely expect to get hired by a Regional and can have a nice 12-13yr career there. Could you get a job flying corporate or cargo? Possibly but it probably won’t be FedEx or UPS and it won’t be flying G650’s for Microsoft or Apple. It’s really a matter of where you see yourself, if you enjoy the Regionals or want to try something different.
It is great that you have 400 hours, but I would still plan on the process taking around two years for you, so make that 53 by the time you get hired at a regional (I am assuming that you did not just turn 50). So essentially, you have twelve years left of flying. I think that you can have a very good run at a regional airline, but I do not think that you will ever be hired by a major airline. It costs the airlines an incredible amount of money to train a new pilot and at some point it becomes a case of diminishing returns. Now look, it has certainly happened in the past, but that is by far the exception. If I were you, I would plan on retiring as a regional jet Captain.
Hi Chris
Thanks for the response. I think I have realistic goals then, as working for a regional would be about as far as I thought I’d be able to go starting this late. I totally understand the cost involved for an airline to train a pilot and the diminishing returns age brings to the equation. I was wondering if that was the case with even a regional.