Instrument Written

Hey everyone. Just got my PPL and am now studying for the Instrument written since I didn’t take the tests before I started with ATP. Anyway, I was wondering if you guys solely used sheppard air to study for it or if you guys used both sheppard air and kings school?


Everybody seems to have a different take on this. I am a huge fan of the King Schools videos, but many people solely use the Shepherd Air. It is really whatever works best for you.


Thanks! Ya i really like the Kings school videos too! I think I am going to use a little bit of both to make sure I’m prepared for the test when I wish to take it.


For knowledge test prep Sheppard is the way to go. Kings contains a ton of great and useful information but it won’t help you pass the test. Use the Sheppards, get your 90+ then watch the Kings to understand the material after.



OOOH i do kind of like that suggestion. I didnt really think about going back to watching the videos after to get the understanding part.

I second what Adam said, I just did that and found Sheppard to be great for studying for the writtens, and I then I went through Kings right after it and it put meaning and understanding to a lot of what I had read about in Sheppard.

I started Kings initially at the same time as Sheppard, but quickly put Kings on hold as I found to to distract me from studying with Sheppard.

I like that idea. Im doing the same, and its hard to study both so I think I will start sheppard now.

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For each written I go through the ASA test prep book once, all the way through, then go hard at doing the Sheppard Air. This is helpful to me because the ASA prep book gives a Wikipedia synopsis and questions to go along, then moving on to the memorization portion with Sheppard air.
It works for me, but everyone is different!

So, Sheppard air is the way to go!
Started using it on Sunday, and 4 days later, I am ready to take the test. Took two practice tests. Both with 90s.

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