I am currently a senior in high school and I am in the process of getting my private pilot’s license. I am really enjoying my training and I would like to pursue a career in aviation. I was hoping I could get some feedback on a plan that I have laid out and whether there are any loopholes in it. My plan is as follows:
- After high school, I plan to take an online computer science program to earn my associates degree at a local community college. During this time I will also be working and saving up money.
- After I earn my degree I plan to earn my commercial, instrument, multi, CFI, and CFII ratings at flight school (Probably at ATP).
- After Flight school I plan to instruct and build up flight hours as well as continue online school and transfer credits to earn my bachelor’s degree in computer science. When I have my four year degree and enough flight hours to fly for a major airline I would like to start flying at the regional level and then continue to work my way up.
Any thoughts and comments on my career plan would be greatly appreciated. I just want to get some second opinions.