Part-time jobs

Wile I completely understand the issues with working wile training, my main concern would be how to pay for essentials like food, vehicle insurance, gas, all sorts of expenses.

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Many individuals have the similar concerns as you expressed, I was one of them at one point until I dug deeper into the Sallie Mae loan option that ATP has to offer. Thankfully within the loan application process, you can add additional funds to offset the expenses of everyday life. This can be a maximum of $800/mo., can also be more but the application will be reviewed from what I’ve read on ATP’s website guide for the Sallie Mae loan.

I recommend reaching out to Kirk at ATP’s finance team for any direct questions regarding loan applications or personal situations, 904-595-7946:

The other option is setting aside funds for an emergency or everyday expense. Once I knew I was going to ATP I started putting funds in case I went over the dispersed amount provided in my loan package. This gave me a cushion in the event I ‘overspent’ a month by accident.



Brady answered your question well. I just want ad working while training is not just an issue. $95k+ is ALOT of money to gamble with and far too many students have tried to juggle both only to fail.

One of the primary reason people are attracted to ATP is the short timeline but the accelerated program comes with a price and that price is it requires a 100% commitment. Failure to heed the warning will be at your own peril.
