Question for Adam

Adam, I had a recruiter for Piedmont talk to me about Infinity Flight Group in Trenton NJ. I knew you went to ATP Trenton so I was wondering if you had any information about this school? I am just trying to compare ATP and this school.

Hey Dan,

I did instruct in TTN but that had to have been before Infinity opened their doors (cause they weren’t there when I was). I just took a look at their website (nice sight) and I think they took over for Mercer College’s Aviation program, which was in the hanger next to Ronson where ATP is located? As I said, I looked over their website and the one thing that grabbed my (vs ATP) is they have hourly rates but no estimates, let alone guarantees, for flight times? The thing that sets ATP apart is it’s approach to training which is modeled after the airlines. Virtually every other flight school (and seemingly Infinity?) will let you take your time while they take your money. While this may give you the warm fuzzies it doesn’t prepare you for what’s ahead and can end up being very expensive. I did a quick comparison just using flight time only (no ground school which ATP includes) and the rates are comparable PROVIDED they get you done in the same time frame.

Not saying they’re a bad school, just saying if you’re interested I’d call or visit and ask how they work.


I talked to Infinity today and found that all their quotes were basically around the minimum flight time. The exams of course were extra. The quote that they estimated was still around $60,000 not including the exams so I believe ATP is still the better option since I can get 40 hours of multi engine time for just $4000 more. They also said the typical time frame was around a year and a half. I’m not too thrilled with that since I am 30 as of tomorrow and would like to get an aviation career moving. Plus almost having my college degree will be a plus as well. I am looking at Trenton ATP pretty hard so I was wondering if you had an insight on that location and all.

Hey Dan,

I’m VERY familiar with TTN since that’s where I instructed for ATP (albeit a while ago). First let me say where you train is entirely up to you. Different people chose different locations for a variety of reasons and all are valid. No that regardless you’ll receive the same quality of instruction throughout ATPs system. As for TTN it’s is a great place to train for a number of reasons. First off it’s location. TTN is just north of Northeast Philly Airport (PNE), just south of EWR and northeast of PHL (plus a GAZILLION other little uncontrolled fields). What that means is there’s ALOT of traffic around and ALOT of ATC which will force you to A) get comfy with different airspaces, B) get comfy with talking on the radios and C) get you comfy looking for traffic. Next, depending on when you train you’ll see a variety of weather and have to deal with it. TTN gets snow, ice, BIG thunderstorms and some gnarly crosswinds (I actually saw I guy literally tear the gear off his airplane when he landed there sideways with a ripping wind). Good times!



It took me almost 2yrs and about 60hrs to get my PPL. Combination of me being busy, weather, life and the schools facilities (aircraft and instructor availability). That was the primary reason I decided on ATP for the rest of my training. There was no way I could afford to continue at that rate.

Yes ATP had the 80hr requirement. I had built a some time flying recreationally so I was only shy a few hours which ATP tacked on in the beginning at a very reasonable rate. ATP didn’t offer a PPL when I went but if they had that def would’ve been the way to go.


I feel your pain Thomas, it’s a far too common story. I often think we come off like salesman on here but in all honesty most of have had similar experiences which is why we genuinely recommend ATP.



I’m glad the ends in sight. Hopefully you can “regroup” and perhaps take a different, more efficient and less frustrating route for the rest of you’re training.



At this point you know my feelings on flight schools. After my research I settled on ATP. It was without question the right choice and I honestly attribute my success directly to them, their training and reputation. That said I never tell anyone what to do it where to go. That decision is yours.

As for being in a hurry that my friend is youth and there’s nothing wrong with it. You’ll just realize that that everything doesn’t have to happen right now and sometimes tomorrow is just fine. Just don’t wait too long.



There is a fine line between taking your time to make an appropriate decision and dragging things out unnecessarily. I would encourage you to be thorough, but not wait too long.



You aren’t too late at all, but if this is what you really want to do, get cracking.

I am mostly just a lurker on that Facebook group. This forum keeps us all plenty busy :slight_smile:


I lurk as well. I believe the FB page should remain a “mentor free zone” where students themselves can discuss anything without one of us jumping in or they being concerned that we are. Trust me it’s hard to stay quiet sometimes :slight_smile:



That was the only time I have ever posted in that group. That picture was just so ridiculous that I couldn’t resist.


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I’m in the shadows :slight_smile:
