Questions about how reserve and seniority affect schedules for United pilots

Hey United pilots!
I am considering becoming an airline pilot (hopefully for United) in a few years, and I have religious restrictions that prevent me from working on Saturdays. I know the airlines will not make special accommodations for me, but I was wondering if there are any ways to hold a schedule not on Saturdays as a new hire. The main things I thought of that could help would be bidding for a base in Newark, which I hear is a very junior base, as well as bidding for reserve. Would you imagine that doing both those things would allow me to hold a schedule that doesn’t require flying on Saturdays? Particularly if I were to bid long or short call at Newark for 6 days a week… (Also which would make it easier to get the days I want, long or short call?)


Bidding EWR and reserve might help, but as a new hire, you will be the bottom of the list and should plan on working weekends. Furthermore, training schedules will not be built around any kind of seniority.

Bottom line, I would plan on working many, many Saturdays in your career as a pilot.


No way possible AT ALL. PERIOD. It’ll be years before you can do so consistently. If you want to be an airline pilot you need to put that out of your mind.


Well, I must be special. This month, I have off every Saturday and Sunday. :man_shrugging:t2:

Go Piedmont! :slight_smile:


That’s THIS month. I wouldn’t base a life decision on it but yes Brady, you are VERY special! :wink:


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I’ll try for next month too. :wink: Bidding is only right around the corner, week and half… LOL


Saturdays off will be a constant struggle and highly unlikely to achieve.

My schedule at the regionals was better than at United so far because I got so senior so fast with everyone leaving! At United, people are there to stay for the long haul so there isn’t nearly as much movement in front of me. That means it’s going to take a lot longer to be able to hold what I want. The trading system is much better though so it helps give junior pilots a little more control over their schedule.


I haven’t had weekends off regularly since I was 13…