Recreational Flying, Plane Rentals, etc

Hey guys, hope all is well. First flight is coming up within the next couple weeks, and very much looking forward to it :grin: getting medical taken care of next week!

But another question for you, and I know I might be jumping the gun given my lack of experience :slightly_smiling_face: Could anyone elaborate on what training requirements need to be met to rent a small single engine plane out solo, say for a weekend trip? PPL and IFR I would assume, but does CFI also factor into this?


If you’re training with ATP they do not rent airplanes and there is no recreational flying. In fact if you’re with ATP you probably won’t want to see an airplane on your days off.

If you’re not training with ATP most FBO’s require at least your Private license and also require you to be “checked out” in the airplane and signed off by one of their instructors.



Most schools will require a PPL and a checkout from one of their instructors.

ATP does not rent their airplanes out.


Ok. I wasn’t thinking from ATP necessarily, but more so a local mom and pop rental company. Was just curious on what type of documentation I should be prepared to show when I reach that level. Thanks!


You need a Private license and medical and again you’ll be required to get checked out.
